New Programme 2014-2020

Preparations for the development of the successor programme, Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020, have been ongoing since September 2012 and are well underway.

Updated 07.01.2014

The contents chapters of the Operational Programme (OP) document are in an advanced stage of development. More specifically, this concerns the area analysis, the programme strategy, the draft priorities including draft indicators, and horizontal principles. 

The chapters regarding legal and technical issues, the implementation framework, are still under development. The programme is dependent on the adoption of the full legislative framework, expected during the spring of 2014.

National and regional representatives, as well as wider Regional Advisory Groups have been involved in the development of the Operational Programme. In addition, a preparatory project exploring the Arctic Dimension of the new programme has provided input, proposing the integration of the Arctic dimension in all priorities, horizontally.The whole process has been followed by Ex Ante evaluators to ensure due diligence.

According to the best case scenario, PMC approval of the OP document is expected by the end of March, followed by submission to the European Commission in April/May 2014. European Commission approval is anticipated in September-October 2014, followed by the first call for main projects around the same time. First project approval are expected in December 2014.

Public Consultation Draft OP - September-October 2013
16.10.2013: A public consultation of draft chapters from the Operational Programme document for the Northern Periphery and Arctic 2014-2020 Programme was held between 20th September and 15th October 2013. The programme received a total of 64 online responses from all programme partner countries and beyond. Some of the responses represent focus groups organised by Regional Contact Points in the programme area.

In addition, a consultation workshop was held at the NPP Annual Conference 2013 on 19th September in Skellefteå, Sweden. See event page for more details.

The purpose of these consultations was to ensure that the draft priorities, indicators and horizontal principles have been developed in a way that potential project promoters can work with.

The consulations gave a wider group of stakeholders a chance to review and comment on the text, to help the drafting team operationalise and fine-tune the sections developed. More specifically, the analysis of the programme area, the programme strategy, the draft priorities, indicators and horizontal principles. These sections form the basis for the types of projects that will be funded.

Feedback from the consultations was generally positive and detailed comments have been taken into consideration, when reviewing the sections in question. 

Public Consultation Strategic Environmental Assessment - January-February 2014
A public consultation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the new programme is being held between 13th January and 28th February 2014. You can find more information on the SEA consultation page

How to Apply Seminar
On 20th March 2014, a seminar will be organised for project developers. This seminar will instruct participants on how to develop a high quality project application. More information can be found on the event page

Relevant Documents


Please note that any documents presented here are drafts and still subject to PMC and EC approval. In addition, the timescale presented is based on best estimates and depends on many factors outside the control of the programme.

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