New Programme 2014-2020
SEA Consultation

As part of the preparations for the new programme, a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was carried out to evaluate the potential environmental impact of the upcoming Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2014-2020. The SEA Report was consulted with environmental authorities and the public in the Programme area, between 13th January and  28th February 2014.

The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an important tool for integrating environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of programmes with a view to promoting sustainable development.

According to the SEA Directive (2001/42/EC), a public consultation of the SEA report should take place before submission to the European Commission together with the draft Operational Programme document, to ensure that environmental authorities and the public in the countries likely to be affected are informed and given an opportunity to forward their opinion within a reasonable time-frame.

Outcomes public consultation

The Secretariat received 10 responses to the consultation, mainly from environmental authorities. Based on the feedback received, PMC concluded that there was no need for major changes to the SEA Report or the Cooperation Programme document. However, some comments and suggestions were as viewed as relevant and were incorporated in the SEA Report and the Cooperation Porgramme document. After approval of the programme document, the Managing Authority will publish a statement about how the consultation feedback was addressed.

Consultation materials


Third Call Pre-Announcement »
Annual Report 2014 approved »
NPA How to Apply Seminar - Third Call »

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