The project seeks to ensure sustainable development of natural and community resources by developing transnational cooperation concerning artisan food processing, based on raw material coming from typical natural resources of the Northern Periphery Area, mainly berries, herbs, mushrooms and milk. It seeks to develop the potential of artisan food pr... More...
The project seeks to ensure sustainable development of natural and community resources by developing transnational cooperation concerning artisan food processing, based on raw material coming from typical natural resources of the Northern Periphery Area, mainly berries, herbs, mushrooms and milk. It seeks to develop the potential of artisan food processing products, made of high quality local ingredients in order to achieve new unique food products and the maintenance of new business start ups, increased production volume for artisan food products, creation of new job opportunities in the region and increased entrepreneurship.
A main project would focus on food refining processes and partially on raising the level of knowledge and competency, increase of volumes, broadening selection of products, creating stabile transnational networks and producer cooperation in artisan food production.
Priority: 1. Promoting innovation and competitiveness in remote and peripheral areas Objective: i. Innovation, networks and competitiveness Theme: Natural resources (forestry, hunting, mining), raw materials, alternative use of natural resources
Total Budget: € 30 000 Total Funding Request: € 18 000